About Me Update

My Blessed Miracles – My Letter to Jesus

Life have thrown some shocking curve balls my way! Some have been so wonderful, for example, the birth of my brother, meeting my husband, the birth of my daughter and meeting a cousin who seemed long lost to me. All were uniquely special in their own way. My only sibling, my brother was born almost twelve years after me! His birth was my first major answered prayer! It seemed about as likely to me as Sarah giving birth at such an advanced age, yet it happened!

I was always being told that it was highly unlikely that anyone would want to marry me, yet it happened. I often felt like the demon possessed man that You encountered – the one everyone ran from. You were discouraged from talking to him. Yet, these are the type of people that you did make time for – the ones nobody else gave the time of day! Someone gave the time of day and gave me his name. I love this man with all my heart! Thank You that the other phone was busy because he may never have called me. If call waiting had been around, I may not be married today!

Several doctors told me that I would never be a mother, yet it happened. I did not know I was pregnant, but I gave birth to a baby girl that I love more than life. This baby was over eight pounds in spite of no special pre –natal care. This was a secret prayer of mine to be a mother. You blessed me!

After twelve years, a long lost cousin was able to make contact with me. This may not seem very miraculous, but she did know my married name, nor my correct address! Yet, it happened; her letter found me! And so began a very special friendship that lasts to this day. Would the post office be so sharp today? I wonder!

On May 8th. 2013, a nurse made a terrible error. Two months of medication went into my system at once! The EMT’s failed to see the seriousness of the situation. They did not treat it as an emergency! They traveled at regular speed with traffic. In fact, my husband arrived faster than I did! The E.R. doctor saw that I was in serious trouble though. I tried to talk to Barry; I could not figure out why I saw a white light over his shoulder! Suddenly, I felt as if I was falling through a cave toward the white light. Suddenly, I heard a voice. The voice asked me if I wanted to stay or go be with my parents {in Heaven} I saw my daughter. Without a second’s pause, I told God that I wanted to stay with my husband and daughter, but I asked for his help. Instantly, I heard my husband’s voice calling me. While I was not out of the woods, I was never that close to death again! However, I spent four days in the ICU. This may seem like a hallucination brought on by the overdose, yet it happened. I know this in my heart. Upon reflection, I am a little surprised that I so emphatically wanted to stay here, but you told me that I had more to do. I have heard some say who had a near death experience that they wanted to stay with You. They asked to do so.

I have learned from experience. As I face another challenge, I ask for your help in advance Jesus! I need your help again. You are more than Great enough to meet all of my needs. I thank you for the help you have provided already! You know the desires of my heart.

Update 2019

This has been the hardest year of my life. I lost my best friend, my dreamer, my lover, my help-mate, the dad to my daughter, my precious husband. He passed unexpectedly and quietly from this life on February 11th. He was such a huge presence that I thought that he would not go so quietly. Perhaps, he did not know how to say good-bye. I surely did not. I say. “Until we meet again at the Jesus’ feet. You be with God until we meet again.

In spite of this, there have been many blessings. Family came to help our daughter and me. She has helped me most, so much like her dad. Yet, there have been others that have helped me with the task of living my best life – other blessings in my life. I thank them all. It takes a village to live this life well – a lesson I have learned. Another lesson that has come to learn. Spend as little time in conflict as possible. Enjoy those around you, they can be gone in a moment and you find yourself wondering if you were a blessing in their lives or a source of pain. Choose to be a blessing!

Hope endures

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